Jørn Andre Halseth var grunnleggeren av Enkeltpersonforetaket TruthBeTold Ministry Jørn Andre Halseth (TruthBeTold Ministry) som i løpet av sin periode 2016-2021 formidlet Guds ord gjennom skriftlig materiale, oppmøte og eller via andre tiltak. Under TBTM bygget Jørn Andre Halseth en publikasjonsmotor for digitale bøker, enkeltstående Bibler, Bibler med 2 eller flere språk i parallell samt studiebibler med opptil 8 millioner referanser i en gitt publikasjon og med multiple engelske Bibelordbøker samt Websters unabridged dictionary på rundt 100 000 ord. Selve biblene er på rundt mange språk som for eksempel Kinesisk, Japansk, Russisk, Polsk, Ungarsk, Svensk, Norsk og Nynorsk, Dansk, Engelsk, Spansk, Portugisisk, Telugu, Cebuano, Tamil, Koreansk, Czech, Finsk, Latinsk og Gresk. ENK TBTM ble i 2021 lagt ned og Jørn Andre har overført rettighetene på de 4000 publikasjonene som er produsert til Publifye AS som vil forvalte dette videre da det praktisk er best slik. Det var et krav fra NAV om at han måtte opprette et AS for å få støtte til sitt arbeid med Publifye AS. Arbeidet til Publifye AS består i å få bygget og distribuert en applikasjon som kan brukes av både organisasjoner og privatpersoner for å få lagd sine digitale publikasjoner til salg eller distribusjon i Norge og utenfor. Den blir et verktøy for å kunne spre evangeliet men også et økonomisk ekstra ben å stå på for Publifye AS i tiden fremover i tillegg til publikasjonene som selges over hele verden. Publifye Appen skal kunne brukes av alle og det er fullt mulig skoler og utdanningsinstitusjoner blir glad for den. Per dags dato har Jørn Andre Halseth solgt rundt regnet 20 000 digitale publikasjoner gjennom TBTM og Publifye AS og inntektene av dette hjelper også i arbeidet fremover også.
Hans partnere er viktige og disse er personer eller organisasjoner han jobber sammen med, både i innland og utland, for å nå ut til folket med evangeliet. Partnere han jobber eller har jobbet med er for eksempel Gatekirken med Rebekka Blomsø, David Obolutsa med Victorious Golgatha Ministries i Kenya, Jangili Devaprasada Rao fra India, Fereshteh Soltani fra Levanger og Arnt Viktor Pettersen fra Levanger foruten lokal deltakelse i menigheter i Levanger som fex Den Norske Kirke, Vineyard Levanger og Frelsesarmeen. TBTM ser mennesker komme til Kristus gjennom voksendåp på samme måte som blant annet The Last Reformation med Torben Søndergård i spissen praktiserer det gjennom omvendelse med full neddykking i vann.
Apostelgjerningene 2:38 Peter svarte dem: «Vend om og la dere døpe i Jesu Kristi navn, hver og en av dere, så dere kan få tilgivelse for syndene, og dere skal få Den hellige ånds gave.
TruthBeTold Ministry har som sagt utgitt og selger 3-4000 digitale bøker på nettet gjennom blant annet Amazon, Google Play og iTunes Apple med flere, avhengig av hva den gitte plattformen er i stand til å ta imot og distribuere. Noen av publikasjonene er massive og dette er noen av Studiebiblene hvor man kan finne at disse er på opptil 150 000 digitale sider. Et eksempel på dette er Massive Study Bible & Types på Apple Books. Google Play forbød nær sagt alle publikasjoner fra TBTM rundt 2020 med argumentasjon om at de var Public Domain på tross av at over 90% av alt materiale som er utgitt er unikt med tanke på struktur og kombinasjon av språk med parallell Bibler innenfor nisjemarkedet Publifye opererer. Uansett, salget på Google var på rundt 3-500 USD per måned i sin tid og tapet av dette merktes økonomisk. Salget på Amazon og Apple samt mange flere nettbutikker har fortsatt i alle år. Hvis du er misjonær eller har et hjerte for å utgi eller gi en av disse publikasjonene som gave så ta tar vi ikke betalt for dette hvis man ikke har mulighet for å betale. Vi hjelper gjerne organisasjoner uten å forvente noe tilbake annet enn at de deler evangeliet videre. Økonomi skal ikke være et hinder så om en person ikke har mulighet for å betale for seg så er det bare å ta kontakt så ordner vi det. Gud har velsignet oss veldig og vi er glade for å kunne dele dette videre.
De fleste av publikasjonene er sendt til Nasjonalbiblioteket i Norge (resten kommer). Hvert år når vi ut til rundt 2-3000 mennesker med de digitale Biblene som ble publisert og utgitt 2016-2018.
Jørn Andre har også vært på evangeliseringsskole med Reinhard Boonke i 2012 og gått på Andrew Wommacks Charis Bible College i Colorado Springs året 2013-2014. Det er en historie for seg selv, men med hundre tusen i minus etter salget av huset så endte de opp med over en million på salg av et delvis LNF (Landbruk Natur Fritid) område på 3.2 mål. Og der var flere troende som talte til ham, både i Norge og fra USA, og sa Bibelskole. Gud åpenbarte dette direkte for ham da han var en kort tur til USA. Og han er fullt klar over hva mange her tenker når de leser dette, men spør deg selv dette: En person som har vært i flere typer menigheter og ikke den samme - vitner om ting han har opplevd som får mange til å snu ryggen og droppe ham som jobbsøker - tror du virkelig vi snakker usant vi forteller dere om disse tingene? Forstår man egentlig hvor mye kristne setter på spill for ‘bare en tro’? Noen hevder man er ‘kakespisende kristne’ som ikke deler evangeliet og ikke ser mirakler, men det er ‘hakkande gale’ for å si det på kav Bergensk. Nei, dette er virkelig.
På den tekniske siden; Jørn Andre er en systemutvikler og har bygget programvare og systemer siden endt utdannelse i 2005. Han er utdannet Teleteknikk Ingeniør fra University of Agder, Campus Grimstad i 2003 og fullførte en Masters i Kommunikasjonsteknologi i 2005 på Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. Han bygger programvare i C#, Python and Golang og SQL og har blant annet jobbet som Systemutvikler for Helseundersøkelsen Nord Trøndelag, HUNT i HUNT4 prosjektet under Oddgeir Holmen og nå i senere tid som systemutvikler for et oppstartsfirma i Oslo. Jørn Andre Halseth kan kontaktes på telefon 90924934 ved behov. ## English
Jørn Andre Halseth founded TruthBeTold Ministry in 2016 after 8 years of being born again in 2008. He is seen evangelizing on the streets and in public, and his heart aches to see the church be built up and live out its calling of God. He is called to evangelize and share the good news of the gospel to the lost worldwide, not only locally in Norway.
During its period from 2016 to 2021, TruthBeTold Ministry conveyed God’s word through written material, personal appearances, and other initiatives. Under TBTM, Jørn Andre Halseth built a publication engine for digital books, including standalone Bibles, parallel Bibles with 2 or more languages, and study Bibles with up to 8 million references in a given publication, along with multiple English Bible dictionaries and Webster’s unabridged dictionary of around 100,000 words. The Bibles are in many languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Swedish, Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk), Danish, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Telugu, Cebuano, Tamil, Korean, Czech, Finnish, Latin, and Greek.
In 2021, the sole proprietorship TBTM was closed down, and Jørn Andre transferred the rights to the 4000 publications produced to Publifye AS, which will manage them going forward. This was a requirement from NAV for him to receive support for his work with Publifye AS. Publifye AS is working on building and distributing an application that can be used by both organizations and individuals to create their digital publications for sale or distribution in Norway and abroad. It will be a tool to spread the gospel and also provide an additional economic foundation for Publifye AS in the future, in addition to the publications sold worldwide.
He enjoys seeing the hand of God worldwide like never before and has currently published 4000 Bibles on Amazon, Apple, and previously Google Play. To date, Jørn Andre Halseth has sold approximately 20,000 digital publications through TBTM and Publifye AS, and the income from this also helps in the work going forward.
His partners are important, and these are individuals or organizations he works with, both domestically and abroad, to reach people with the gospel. Partners he works or has worked with include Gatekirken with Rebekka Blomsø, David Obolutsa with Victorious Golgatha Ministries in Kenya, Jangili Devaprasada Rao from India, Fereshteh Soltani from Levanger, and Arnt Viktor Pettersen from Levanger, in addition to local participation in churches in Levanger such as the Church of Norway, Vineyard Levanger, and the Salvation Army.
He has been on mission trips to the USA, India, Uganda, and Hungary to share the gospel and see the lost saved. He speaks willingly and freely to people of all nations and loves to see them receive Christ and be baptized. He has witnessed God’s hand of healing at times, from the lame and paralyzed walking again, deadly sicknesses healed, as well as impaired eyes healed. He prays the fivefold ministry will rise up into its proper place sooner than later and has a passion to see the church grow into its full potential. He works through words from The Holy Spirit, dreams, and visions, and has a gift of healing. He loves to encourage other believers in the word of God.
He also was called by God to participate with fellow believers and evangelists at The School of Evangelism with Reinhard Boonke in Orlando, Florida in 2012 and has studied at Charis Bible College in Colorado Springs 2013-2014. He has 5 children whom he loves.
If you are a missionary or have a heart for publishing or giving one of these publications as a gift, we do not charge for this if you do not have the means to pay. We are happy to help organizations without expecting anything in return other than that they share the gospel further. Economics should not be a hindrance, so if a person does not have the ability to pay, just contact us and we will arrange it. God has blessed us greatly, and we are happy to be able to share this further.
On the technical side of things, he is a systems developer, and building software is not only a hobby but has been his professional work since 2005. He has an Engineer’s degree in Telecommunication from the University of Agder, Campus Grimstad in 2003 and received his Master’s degree in Communication Technology in 2005 at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. He develops software using C#, Python, and Golang and SQL. One of his last jobs was as a Systems Developer for the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study project (HUNT4), and presently he works for a startup company in Oslo. Jørn Andre Halseth can be reached at +47 90924934.
In the picture above, you see me, Andrew Wommack, and another student from Charis Bible College. I remember working with this student one day, and his leg grew out when we spoke healing over it - as well as his girlfriend was healed on the phone also. They were both amazed at this. Even so, a miracle isn’t necessarily the way of the heart, it’s a technical thing and a gift of God - but even as the technical in the physical can be misused, so can the spiritual - and a man needs to confess his sins to God and not play ‘big’ in the eyes of anyone and even forget his own people - as with me so with every other believer. We need to be humble and tear down the walls trying to separate us from our brothers and sisters, be it driven by greed or seduction. Miracles do not atone for a lack of humility to God nor a fellow believer, and we’re clearly warned of this in The Bible:
Matthew 7:20-22 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
We’re to honor God in all things physical as spiritual. And a miracle may not only be a spiritual non-physical one but many financial miracles as well. If we act on the truth, our fruit will be good. When we listen to God in the matters of spirit, we will continue to thrive! We need to be wise and remind ourselves - all that we have was given us by God. And our lives are not our own. To forget it is to forego this fact.
Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Jørn Andre Halseth founded TruthBeTold Ministry in 2016 after 8 years of being born again in 2008. He is seen evangelizing on the streets and in public, and his heart aches to see the church be built up and live out its calling of God. He is called to evangelize and share the good news of the gospel to the lost worldwide, not only locally in Norway.
During its period from 2016 to 2021, TruthBeTold Ministry conveyed God’s word through written material, personal appearances, and other initiatives. Under TBTM, Jørn Andre Halseth built a publication engine for digital books, including standalone Bibles, parallel Bibles with 2 or more languages, and study Bibles with up to 8 million references in a given publication, along with multiple English Bible dictionaries and Webster’s unabridged dictionary of around 100,000 words. The Bibles are in many languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Swedish, Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk), Danish, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Telugu, Cebuano, Tamil, Korean, Czech, Finnish, Latin, and Greek.
In 2021, the sole proprietorship TBTM was closed down, and Jørn Andre transferred the rights to the 4000 publications produced to Publifye AS, which will manage them going forward. This was a requirement from NAV for him to receive support for his work with Publifye AS. Publifye AS is working on building and distributing an application that can be used by both organizations and individuals to create their digital publications for sale or distribution in Norway and abroad. It will be a tool to spread the gospel and also provide an additional economic foundation for Publifye AS in the future, in addition to the publications sold worldwide.
He enjoys seeing the hand of God worldwide like never before and has currently published 4000 Bibles on Amazon, Apple, and previously Google Play. To date, Jørn Andre Halseth has sold approximately 20,000 digital publications through TBTM and Publifye AS, and the income from this also helps in the work going forward.
His partners are important, and these are individuals or organizations he works with, both domestically and abroad, to reach people with the gospel. Partners he works or has worked with include Gatekirken with Rebekka Blomsø, David Obolutsa with Victorious Golgatha Ministries in Kenya, Jangili Devaprasada Rao from India, Fereshteh Soltani from Levanger, and Arnt Viktor Pettersen from Levanger, in addition to local participation in churches in Levanger such as the Church of Norway, Vineyard Levanger, and the Salvation Army.
He has been on mission trips to the USA, India, Uganda, and Hungary to share the gospel and see the lost saved. He speaks willingly and freely to people of all nations and loves to see them receive Christ and be baptized. He has witnessed God’s hand of healing at times, from the lame and paralyzed walking again, deadly sicknesses healed, as well as impaired eyes healed. He prays the fivefold ministry will rise up into its proper place sooner than later and has a passion to see the church grow into its full potential. He works through words from The Holy Spirit, dreams, and visions, and has a gift of healing. He loves to encourage other believers in the word of God.
He also was called by God to participate with fellow believers and evangelists at The School of Evangelism with Reinhard Boonke in Orlando, Florida in 2012 and has studied at Charis Bible College in Colorado Springs 2013-2014. He has 5 children whom he loves.
If you are a missionary or have a heart for publishing or giving one of these publications as a gift, we do not charge for this if you do not have the means to pay. We are happy to help organizations without expecting anything in return other than that they share the gospel further. Economics should not be a hindrance, so if a person does not have the ability to pay, just contact us and we will arrange it. God has blessed us greatly, and we are happy to be able to share this further.
On the technical side of things, he is a systems developer, and building software is not only a hobby but has been his professional work since 2005. He has an Engineer’s degree in Telecommunication from the University of Agder, Campus Grimstad in 2003 and received his Master’s degree in Communication Technology in 2005 at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. He develops software using C#, Python, and Golang and SQL. One of his last jobs was as a Systems Developer for the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study project (HUNT4), and presently he works for a startup company in Oslo. Jørn Andre Halseth can be reached at +47 90 924 934.
In the picture above, you see me, Andrew Wommack, and another student from Charis Bible College. I remember working with this student one day, and his leg grew out when we spoke healing over it - as well as his girlfriend was healed on the phone also. They were both amazed at this. Even so, a miracle isn’t necessarily the way of the heart, it’s a technical thing and a gift of God - but even as the technical in the physical can be misused, so can the spiritual - and a man needs to confess his sins to God and not play ‘big’ in the eyes of anyone and even forget his own people - as with me so with every other believer. We need to be humble and tear down the walls trying to separate us from our brothers and sisters, be it driven by greed or seduction. Miracles do not atone for a lack of humility to God nor a fellow believer, and we’re clearly warned of this in The Bible:
In recent years Jørn Andre has been working with a pastor from India and his sons, educating them and trying to teach them to develop software and solutions to aid in evangelism, as well as pursuing further education in frontend development. As of now, he is employed at Bill Kill AS as a fullstack developer.
Matthew 7:20-22 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
We’re to honor God in all things physical as spiritual. And a miracle may not only be a spiritual non-physical one but many financial miracles as well. If we act on the truth, our fruit will be good. When we listen to God in the matters of spirit, we will continue to thrive! We need to be wise and remind ourselves - all that we have was given us by God. And our lives are not our own. To forget it is to forego this fact.
Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”