TruthBeTold Ministry har en partner i India, Pastor Jangili Devaprasada Rao. Han er en hjertevarm pastor som ikke bare jobber som pastor men tar vare på foreldreløse barn og eldre. Hans menighet samarbeider med 70 andre pastorer i dette arbeidet. Og dette er pastorer med et stort hjerte for Gud og mot folket og jeg, Jørn Andre Halseth, vet at noen av disse ikke hadde vært i live den dag i dag om det ikke hadde vært for kjærligheten de har fått fra Gud. TruthBeTold Ministry ville ikke vært det samme uten dem og samarbeidet går tilbake til 2014. Vi har besøkt India med Jangili tre ganger siden 2014. Han har en familie med 2 snart voksne gutter, en hardtarbeidende flott og troende kone og de har også et hjem for foreldreløse barn samt en liten Bibelskole. Jangili selv har en forhistorie der han ønsket å ta sitt eget liv og ble reddet fra dette og tok imot Jesus Kristus som Herre - hvor han ble døpt og født på ny. Og fruktene i livet hans er glede, frihet og liv. Les gjerne hans vitnesbyrd på engelsk under. Takk til alle dere som har gitt av tid og utstyr (gammelt som nytt) som TBTM har kunnet ta med til dem på sine turer til India.
Jangilis Testimony in English
We also work with our Indian Pastor Jangili Devaprasada Rao whom work with pastors in India. I have known Jangili since 2014 and TBTM has visited him and his family several times since. When I asked him to write a little of his work and ministry for God this is what he wrote me. His native language is Telugu so I’ve taken the liberty to clean it up a little:
«I am Jangili Devaprasada Rao and I will write a short Testimony how I came to God and of my ministry. When I was young I lived a very sinful life. I did many bad things and had many bad habits. My parents really struggled with me. Even so, I was not happy in my heart and I tried to hide away my sins from the people around me. I was ashamed of the things I did. It all got so worse that I finally was about to commit suicide and at that exact moment The Holy Spirit of God spoke to me. And I knew that the only way out of this was to receive Jesus as my savior and redeemer and so I went down on my knees and prayed for Jesus to please forgive me and cleanse me of my sins. At the same time this happened some young believers at our neighbours house were singing songs of joy. I then I went to a pastor and asked him to baptize me. Then I joined Bible college and worked some few years as a assistant pastor. I soon was married and now I have two sons. And I am doing ministry as a pastor and work with some 70 other pastors in specific areas God has given to me. We care for the old people and we have a home for orphans. We also support the poor and needy and distribute Bibles and train up people in Bible College and help plant new churches and support our pastors. Please pray for my family and ministry. Thank you!»