Vår oppgave er å evangelisere Jesu Kristi frelsende budskap til folket gjennom personlige eller offentlige møter og gjennom Guds ord, ved oppmøte eller skriftlig form. Vi elsker å se at folk vende seg mot Gud og ta imot Jesus Kristus, bli døpt og forløst fra deres synd, med ikke bare som en vei til himmelen, men til et liv i glede og frihet fra psykiske lidelser og tvang selv i dette livet. Fysisk og mental helbredelse er en del av dette ettersom sykdom ofte er et resultat av et syndig liv. Hver frelste sjel er en seier og all ære til Gud for det ferdige arbeidet og offeret som Jesus Kristus har lagt ned i oss for å gjøre oss til et hellig Guds folk! For å gjøre dette snakker vi i offentlige og private møter, døper mennesker fra alle nasjoner og har utgitt cirka 2000+ digitale bibler og tekster på 30 språk spredd utover over hele verden gjennom noen av de største online aktørene som Amazon, Apple iTunes og Google Play. Vi samarbeider med partnere både lokalt og internasjonalt for å kunne oppnå dette. Du er nå på https://partners.truthbetoldministry.net/ - og dette nettstedet ble laget for å vise litt av hva vi gjør, på fritiden eller fulltid.
TruthBeTold Ministry v/Jørn Andre Halseth er lagt ned og publikasjonene overført til Publifye AS. Selv om Enkeltpersonforetaket ‘Jørn Andre Halseth TruthBeTold Ministry’ er lagt ned så er navnet TruthBeTold Ministry brukt i noen tusen publikasjoner og brukes også videre som en henvisning til foregående og kommende arbeide og en del av historien. Dette gjelder også nettsteder registrert. Der er naturlig at vi holder på navnet som en referanse videre om ikke annet, men arbeidet som ble utført under TBTM videreføres privat og den kommersielle delen, publikasjonene som selges, er overført Publifye AS av praktiske årsaker for ikke å ha to organisasjoner. Publifye AS har sine egne produkt og tjenester som bygges og der kommer med tiden ut en helt ny type skrive-applikasjon for digitale bøker til bruk både for private og for bedrifter og andre organisasjoner og er ikke en videreføring av TBTM som sådan.
All engelsk tekst på dette nettstedet er ment å utfylle den norske teksten, ikke være en direkte oversettelse. Du vil finne at begge deler utfyller hverandre. Nettstedet er mest tilrettelagt nordmenn men også engelskspråklige i stor grad.
Our mission is to evangelize the saving message of Jesus Christ to the people through personal or public meetings and through the written word of God. We love to see the people turn towards God and receive Jesus Christ, being baptized and redeemed from their sin, with not only a path to heaven but living in freedom here on Earth, in Jesus, covered by his blood. And we see often see healing come as a result of receiving Christ. Each soul saved triggers a joy in Heaven and is counted towards a Holy people of God! To do this we speak in public and in private meetings, we baptize people who repent of their sin, coming from all nations. We have published digital Bibles and texts in several languages people world-wide through online publishers such as Amazon, iTunes and previously also Google before they canceled us out. We also work with different persons, partners and ministries and on this website you can read about some of them and a little about what they do. You are now at The TBTM Partners website and it was created so you can read a little about what they do and where they’re from.
The things of God van only be taught to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see and those are only given by the grace of God. A man needs ask God for understanding if he lacks it. Sadly many hate the truth and wants to keep things in the dark, even thinking they’re walking in the light.
Many believe creation started from nOthing with a big bAnG and happenstances would have it to be that complex organisms evolved out of nowhere without an outside force? For real? The mechanisms behind our cells creation was non-intelligible? Have we ever proved this? Have we seen a single organism change to a new organism even except small changes internally? Atheism is a belief! Christians engage in science as much as any other, but not as a belief system. Just because we know many of the mechanisms in the world today we have no evidence as to how creation came about. Evolution has never been observed. As a Bible teacher pointed out: We have the brain the size of a peanut - and we think we’re the top of the food chain? Funny. Those are lofty thoughts coming from something so small you need to zoom forever even to see it walk on the face of the Earth. Man is miniscule compared to creation itself. This author itself, Jørn Andre Halseth, thought he was himself a wise man when he stood there in the midst of christian ‘believers’. He’d studied paranormal phenomena on his own for some 10 years in search of truth - but was himself taken by surprise when he was born again. How ironic. Afterwards he began to understand he knew extremely little about the reality. Nothing he had studied or learned at school could have prepared him for the experience Father in Heaven has put him through these last years of his life. If you think you’re an atheist and a non-believer I leave you with The Bible Codes - an awesome technical fact that should blow your mind if you take effort in researching it. I challenge you to debunk it. May God give you eyes to see and ears to hear!
Jesus says: You won’t see Heaven unless you’re born again! And yes, its a real sphere of existence - one a born again will go to when his physical body is laid to the ground. A man not born again is but dead in his spirit and risk going from dust to dust, but the one born again has a spirit of God. I remember when I realized this was all real after a few years of asking God a thousand questions and having seen things unbelievable to the eyes of a natural born man. And now I can not deny the reality behind the physical and I also pay a price for sharing this truth, but I am also incredibly blessed to now know I have a Father in Heaven as will you if you choose to receive Jesus so he can wash you clean and give you a new spirit, the spirit of God.
Thank you!
Publifye AS (TruthBeTold Ministry) w/Partners Norway